© 2025 Mastodon Township Address: 1371 Hwy US 2 South, Crystal Falls, MI 49920 Phone: 906-875-6232 Email: mastodonclerk@att.net Website by North Country Website Design.
Mastodon Township Library Program Mastodon Township will reimburse you each fiscal year for payments made for a library card to any of the libraries below. Crystal Falls, Iron River and Dickinson libraries participate in a program called MILibrary. This would allow you to get a card from one of these libraries and use it at all three as well as other libraries throughout the state that participate in this program. All you have to do is ask for a sticker from your home library when you purchase your library card. This sticker makes the cards interchangeable. Crystal Falls Library rates: $45 for 1 year family, $30 for 1 year single; $10 for 3 months for single. West Iron County Library rates: $25 for 1 year, $10 for 3 mos. Dickinson County Library rates: $35 for 1 year, $17.50 for 6 mos. **Important Note: Please make sure your name is submitted – on the envelope or voucher. I have had vouchers dropped in the mailbox or our drop box with no name. I could not reimburse because I did not know who submitted them. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have regarding the library program. The office number is 906-875-6232.

Library Information

Library program

© 2025 Mastodon Township Address: 1371 Hwy US 2 South, Crystal Falls, MI 49920 Phone: 906-875-6232 Email: mastodonclerk@att.net Website by North Country Website Design.
Mastodon Township Library Program Mastodon Township will reimburse you each fiscal year for payments made for a library card to any of the libraries below. Crystal Falls, Iron River and Dickinson libraries participate in a program called MILibrary. This would allow you to get a card from one of these libraries and use it at all three as well as other libraries throughout the state that participate in this program. All you have to do is ask for a sticker from your home library when you purchase your library card. This sticker makes the cards interchangeable. Crystal Falls Library rates: $45 for 1 year family, $30 for 1 year single; $10 for 3 months for single. West Iron County Library rates: $25 for 1 year, $10 for 3 mos. Dickinson County Library rates: $35 for 1 year, $17.50 for 6 mos. **Important Note: Please make sure your name is submitted – on the envelope or voucher. I have had vouchers dropped in the mailbox or our drop box with no name. I could not reimburse because I did not know who submitted them. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have regarding the library program. The office number is 906-875-6232.

Library program

Library Information